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Learn a new skill,

travel more and spend less.

Start a new way of living

Your life.

Have you calculated your monthly living cost? Based on the cost of living index by Numbeo, the average city in a developed country is around $2200 - $2800 per month, which includes your apartment, food, transportation, clothing and entertainment. 


However, with the same amount of money, you can travel to an exotic place, learn/improve a new skill and still work but not in a cubicle on a 9-5 schedule in one location for 35 years. The digital age provides us great flexibility to work anywhere we want, see the world and most importantly learn and grow the way we want. 


This is not about asking you to drop whatever life you have, but rather to explore a new way of living. Put your investment on something that truly matters to you, that makes you happy and help you explore your passion and purpose. 

Global membership

It is most fulfilling when you travel with a group of like-minded professionals who embrace adventure and are willing to jump outside of their comfort zone to experience a new lifestyle they have always dreamed of. Each chapter is between 20-25 members and we intend to keep the group size small so each member can have more time to learn from each other and form meaningful relationships.


We designed a simple "hop on hop off" annual subscription model so that we can all live this adventurous lifestyle for as long and as often as we want. The more chapter you join, the cheaper each chapter gets. You can join one chapter or join us for this 9-month journey with more chapters coming in 2022.  Each chapter's price is based on the location and learning theme, we will send you the detailed pricing once you applied for the program. 

Asia Chapters

Start from


USD 2200/Month



Start from

USD 2800/Month

south america 


Start from

USD 2300/Month

All chapter includes:

  • Accommodation

  • Coworking Space

  • Facilitated Experiential learning 


  • Weekly Excursions

  • Personal Development Programs

  • Group Adventures



You pay one-month program cost in advance to secure your spot


You can choose any location you want


You can decide your first location when you start


You can take all the chapters together, or join anyone you like


You only pay the monthly fee when you are traveling with the community with no down payment 

Refer a friend to get $200 credit

Think your friend might be interested in RemoteLiving chapters? Simple invite your friend to join to get $200 credit for your chapter when your friend signs up! 

Thanks! We will notify you once your freind signed up.

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