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Learn Chinese

Shanghai - welcome to

the future

The future is already here, it just distributed unevenly!

When you been wowed away watching the sci-fi movies, Shanghai already living in it. This monster city currently habitate about 26 million people, is the top-notch economic zone of the world! With its lightning speed of development, it just blows you away for how amazing things happening here where you can only be seen in the movie. This city's heart heats strongly and the entire world is listening. It's the east meet west, where the first port when old china opened to the world about 100 years ago. Since then, this gold land filled with opportunities from the west and gradually settled down into a land of opportunities for people from all over the world.  


This is the city never sleeps, the nightlife is insane and you can almost buy anything at any time of the day. My eyeballs sometimes have to adjust what I see, from the hologram police in the airport to cashless self-check-out street stand market. From face recognition local food stores, to GPS enables public bikes, not mentioned the volume of the local startups that truly embraces the booming economy of China. Join us to explore this magic monster city and start to live in the future! 

Our Home

Our home is situated in one of the most lively neighborhoods in Shanghai - the French Concession. The apartment building is equipped with kitchen and appliances, living rooms and bathroom with its unique taste to represent the chinese culture. The co-housing option will be based on the apartment size and offers private room and shared rooms.  It's working distance to coworking space and also, close to almost all the actions you can imagine. 

Work Space

Our coworking space is located in the heard of Shanghai - Xintiandi, a landmark area in Shanghai where the west fashion meets china traditions.


The workspace is a very well known Chinese international brand that promotes collaboration and community.

It often hosts different workshops and industry seminars that creating a place of collective wisdom. 


One month almost seems too short as the city have too much to offer. We will take you to explore the breathtaking city skylines, taste the amazing chinese food, participate the local marriage market, check out the amazing nightlife, short travel to the well-known west lake to hike in the tea gardens... the city never sleeps so charge well and get ready experience the life in the future. 

philosophy of CHINESE

Chinese as a language has thousands of years of history and one of the most sophisticated languages in the world that packed with wisdom from the ancient history of China. It's a symbolic language that evolved from the mimic the shape of nature and object, then developed into its own system.Oracle Bone Inscription “Gia Gu Wen, or Jia Gu Wen 甲 骨 文” was considered one the earliest kinds of Chinese characters that have been discovered. From there, Gia Gu Wen had set foundational and theoretical standards for the Art of Chinese Calligraphy from many artistic perspectives.


It represents the oriental philosophy that advocates circle of energy - Ying and Yang. From Confucius to The Art of War, from "Hundred schools of thoughts" to 12 Chinese zodiac signs, the rich world heritage language have a big story to tell. We will use Chinese as the language to penetrate into Chinese culture, history, and economic growth during our chapter in Shanghai to revile the oriental giant to the world. 

Our Learning

Learning Chinese can be very difficult with its symbolic characters and four tones that often confusing the hell of you. But it can also be fun when you learn in experience and have great fun. We believe learning by doing and you need to interact to be able to live in the art of thousands of possibilities of this language that filled with wisdom.  


We have broken down 40 hours into 4 weeks that focus on listening, speaking, writing and reading. But instead of sitting in a classroom, we like actions way more and believe experiential learning. We will take you to sing some Chinese songs so you understand the beauty of a tone based language. You are going to read signs everywhere we go so you learn in real life how to navigate around. Through any shopping experience, you will learn how to interact and negotiate as absolutely necessary.  Practice your writing in the famous Shanghai marriage market. We will also teach you basics of this beautiful language from its philosophy, Confucius history. From the development of the language, we will be peaking into the Chinese history, sociology and society movement and culture transformation to show you the full picture of China.  

How to join shanghai chapter?

If you are interested to be a part of Shanghai chapter, please apply here first. If you already a Remote living member, simply email us then we can add you to the program. 

Shanghai Chapter start from:

Private Room                        $2400/month

Shared Room                        $2100/month

The price covers accommodation, co-working space, weekend excursions (1-2/month), personal development programs, and most importantly the 40 hours Chinese language program. The more chapter you join, the cheaper each chapter gets. Learn more about our global membership here.

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