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Work, Travel, Learn,

one month at a time.

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30 DAYS 




Remote Living is a global community for those who likes adventure and believe life has many different forms and possibilities. Each month, we gather a group of 16-20 inspiring professionals to travel, live, learn, work remotely in different cities around the world. 


Our program is designed to teach you a specific skill each month around the world. Learn yoga and meditation in Bali, Learn cooking in Kyoto, Learn Tango dancing in Buenos Aires ... Join us in one of our handpicked locations and learn what the world offers with like-minded people. 

We will do all the planning from accommodations to coworking space, from events to professional development programs so you can stay connected and be comfortable, and focus your energy on having a life-changing experience.  



Bali Yoga & Meditation



Learn Japanese Cooking in Kyoto


Cooking - march

Learn Chinee in Shanghai



Nail your bucket list without putting your career on hold.

While the world transforms into the digital age, technology enables us to explore the world without putting our careers on hold!  Keep your job, see the world, gain new perspectives and learn skills that extend your horizon and profile. 

Let us do all the planning from the basics of accommodation and co-working space to the finer details of organizing community events and running specific learning curriculums. You just need to show up and start to experience life like never before.  Work your way through your bucket list without having to put your life on pause. 


We want to leverage what the world offers us to deepen our learning and personal growth in each city we visit.  Let us help you find your treasure that leads to defining your great potential to serve yourself and the world!



Centrally located co-housing for the group to live and share life together in private or shared rooms



Innovative community co-working space with wifi and 24-hour access that provide you a safe and productive environment to work

Adventures Travel


Weekly excursions to  explore local living, witness breathtaking natural wonders, and hidden spots that expand your  horizons

Learn a new skill each month world wide


Learn and master a skill each month while simultaneously learning more about yourself and your inner purpose


The Community

Remoteliving operates in Chapters. Each chapter has 20 handpicked professionals from all over the world who embrace the unknown and feel a deep human connection. From artists to entrepreneurs, small business owners to corporate executives, whatever our ethnic background, status and stage in life, we all believe in collaboration, peer-to-peer learning, and co-facilitate experiences to help each other learn and grow. 


Are you:

•   At one of life’s crossroads, seeking direction and answers?

•   An entrepreneur who wants to expand your horizons?

•   A person who wants to nail your bucket list while working remotely?

•   A person who wants to gain new perspectives and skills while connecting with fellow human beings?   


Or do you just simply want to see the world in great depth? We welcome you to apply to start the conversation.


Welcome to Remoteliving and we look forward to hear from you soon. 

About us

Drop us an email to learn more, or find out about your next adventures

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